Nebularosa 01 – An Interstellar Cloud of Dust

Nebularosa 01 – An Interstellar Cloud of Dust

[NEB01] Nebulullaby
An Interstellar Cloud of Dust
experimental electronic lullabies

Nebularosa Records PARTY 01

::ROOM A::
d. R. e. G. S. – live
Repl Electric – live
Samuel Hertz – live
Claude Heiland-Allen – live
S/I/S/S – live
xname – live
Shelly Knotts – live
nAX_Acid – dj set

A Play for Babies – live
Nebula – live
Gisela Frick – live
Miguel Ortiz – live
Alo Allik – live
Caterina Barbieri – track
Steph Horak – track
NEB01 – lullabies compilation
Nebulullaby workshop compositions

event+vinyl+digital = £15
event+digital = £10
event+track = £5
or pay what you want
kids free+1
book ticket

d.R.e.G.S. aka Yves Degoyon
Musician, experimental sounds produced with Pure Data. Author of open-source software for real-time processing Unauthorized PD and P.i.D.i.P.

Repl Electrics
Joseph Wilk uses software programming as a form of performance art. He controls in real time graphics, hardware and sound that respond to the space, the crowd and the moment, finally creating a form of poetic engineering.

Samuel Hertz
Composer and performer, he studies electronic music and composition with Pauline Oliveros, Fred Frith, James Fei and Chris Brown, among others. He also performs with Chicago-based performance collective ATOM-r.

Claude Heiland-Allen
London based artist and musician interested in exploring the complex emergent behaviour of simple systems, unusual geometries, and mathematical aesthetics.

S/I/S/S :: SonicSoul vs Sound Interventions
Patrizia Carlota and Mona Mock, two Gong Practitioners trained at ‘The College of Sound Healing’, will presents ‘Gong Bless You’, a Gong concert inspired by deep listening practices, performed in total darkness.

Her live compositions transform light and other electromagnetic frequencies in sound waves through self built synthetisers and complex semi chaotic machines. Breaking open the circuit, she will magnetise you into an hypnotic and synaesthetic noise-techno illusion.

Shelly Knotts
Live coder and performer of network music, she will fill up the dance hall. Her work is published on Chordpunch record label, Absence of Wax netlabel and in Leonardo Music Journal.

nAX_Acid aka Andrea Ruffino
Dj and producer of deep minimal, acid and Detroit techno. His label Aconito Records produces atmospheric techno voyages of experimental minimal and ambient electronica since 2007.

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A Play for Babies
“Zoë Darling and her Dad” have performed musical cabaret in various art events in London since 2005. Zoë Darling now lives and works in Switzerland developing her work as a performer influenced by Butoh dance and her Dad lives in Hertfordshire and teaches children music. They will make an interactive adaptation of the piece “Lullaby for insomniac parents”.

With her taste for syncopated rhythms, noise and repetitive melodies, she will transfrom the room in a surreal carillon. Sounding objects, microphones, ultrasthetoscopes along with her deep voice, you won’t forget this performance easily. Debut of the youngest talent in town.

Gisela Frick
aka Satansonatas is a collage artist in sound, vision and spoken word. Born in Santiago, Chile and currently based in London, mainly performs and composes with zithar, voice, distortion and portable hardware and software.

Miguel Ortiz
Mexican composer and sound artist based in London, he explores a vast array of performing mediums ranging from traditional acoustic instruments such as cello and trumpet, to laptop improvisation, performance with bio-instruments and hyperinstruments.

Alo Allik
Esoteric coder and composer, he calls noisefunk his attempt to depart from repetitive musical structures of most electronic dance musics, injecting chaos within order or order within chaos.

Caterina Barbieri
Italian composer and performer of electronic music, her minimal approach explores primary waveforms, voltage controlled oscillators and the polyphonic and polyrhythmic potential of sequencers. She is interested in the perception of time, space and sound spectrum in vertical music.

Steph Horak
Sound and video artist, Horak reframes mundane and common experiences in immersive, dreamlike settings. She now focuses her musical work on the development of improvisatory systems for voice.

Concept, curation and production: Eleonora Oreggia.
Production assistant and space design: Alessia Milo.
Spacial sound design: Christopher Wood.
Live sound engineer: Charles Poulet.
BB animators: Ellen Freed, Susannah Phillipson, Veronica Rossi, Mariella Bussolati.

Supported by Arts Council England, Centre for Public Engagement at Queen Mary University of London, Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths College, Atau Tanaka and MetaGesture Music, European Research Council.

Apiary Studios
458 Hackney Road
E2 9EG London UK

23 April 2016
4pm – 2am

Goldsmiths University of London

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